Monday, November 19, 2012

It's just another Monday

Well, if you recall from my last post...I had a small list of things to do for the weekend. And (although it wasn't overly difficult) I managed to complete it all!

The house was cleaned. 
(Imagine a picture of a decently clean home).

Groceries were gotten (I even went for a nice walk to get them).

I didn't get it...but I saw it. Boy, did I ever see it...
And my toesies got painted!

You can even see a sweet George in there...
Most of my time (after coming back from errands), was spent like this. :D I definitely got some relaxing in ^.^

I even got a visit from a little Scotty on Friday night! His rig was shut down for the night. He looks a little disheveled...

Heck I even made banana bread! My first time too! It turned out pretty alright...a little crispy, but delicious :D! You're probably thinking...'What the heck?! You were complaining about hating bananas!'
Allow me to explain...
I, Trudy, do not hate bananas. I do however, hate the texture of bananas (slimy/gross). I also dislike banana 'flavored' things (as in artificially flavored). I don't mind bananas in both smoothies, and bread.
Understand? Good. 

Other than this....I went to church (as per ush), and then went out to Scott's aunt and uncles place for pizza! I don't recall if I've mentioned it before...but they have a pizza oven! So delish~! (You don't even know)... I should've taken pictures....but alas, I did not. So, I got to see some of Scott's cousins! I've mentioned Tyler and Holly and then there were also a few others ;).

And that's pretty well it! It was a good weekend...and I'm sad it's over. Only 5 (ok, 4.5) more days until the next one!
Anyone get up to anything exciting??

We can get through this Monday together. Hopefully.

Ta ta for meow :)!

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