Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Oranges make smoothies delicious

It's true you know...the past couple days, I've just thrown in a (peeled) mandarin orange. SO GOOD! Sweet, but delicious (if you're into that sort of thing...).
Yesterday though, I must've filled the container a little full and it leaked over onto my fav green Lulu hoodie.

Horrible, right? :< I washed it last night after work and I looked at it this morning (praying that it would magically be gone) and though it was definitely faded, it wasn't completely gone. (Sorry, I forgot to take a picture if you were interested). I used regular detergent and oxi-clean. Though I didn't scrub it at all (which is probably what my mother would suggest...).

Any tips?? D:

Curse you delicious mandariny (yup) smoothie.

So I need to get some dang wrapping paper so I can get on wrapping gifts! Which leads us nicely into this actually...

Well hey there December 12th! What's that? Do I prefer wrapping paper or gift bags??

Come now. WRAPPING PAPER! I think a lot of us prefer to rip open something. Though sometimes, without putting something in a box, there are a few things that are very very difficult to wrap. Especially kids toys these days...they have insane corners and shapes. Do they enjoy making it obscenely difficult for the world?? 
Though I will most definitely admit, I have used gift bags...they're very convenient at times. 
Another reason I prefer wrapping paper is then I don't feel like I need to reuse it. I don't know if this happens to everyone or if it's just my mother ingrained in my brain. But if I get a gift bag from someone and it's in good condition, I'm going to reuse it. 
Is that so horrible?? Do you do it?
(Though my mom also tried to save wrapping at least I don't go quite that far...).

Do you prefer wrapping paper or gift bags? And do you ever save them??

 Buh bye for meow :)!

PS. 12 days of Christmas (Trudy style) starts tomorrow!

PPS. Did you see I'm doing a giveaway?? Get over there and enter to win something!

I should likely start putting up Christmas songs everyday now... (nice view, hey?)

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