Sunday, May 30, 2010

A whole lot of nothing

The title pretty much covers what has been happening in my life right now.... All I do is eat, sleep, exercise and work. Sad but true. Hence why there has been a lackage of blogging because well, there's nothing really for me to say. I've noticed that when you don't really hang out with people, you become strangely aware of how single you are and well I feel very aware as I don't hang out with a lot of people often. Mainly I see W whenever I can and my family and that's about it. How exciting.

Well on one of my days off last week W and I took a little shopping trip up to Calgary which was fairly exciting for us because we'd never gone up on our own and it was my first time driving there (we have very overprotective parents I assure you). But ANYWAYS it ended up being a good time to sing, talk, laugh and just spend the whole day together. It was swell :) And I spent way too much money. You know that sinking feeling you get when you spend too much money? Well I DIDN'T get it... so that must mean I made good purchases so yay :D I got some things from my 2 favorite stores Lululemon and Sephora. Lululemon I really like because well come on...stretchy comfy clothes that last for a long time, heck of a lot better than like...jeans. :P. Sephora...well I told you in one of my first blogs that one of my odd interests is makeup. And then I just got a couple of other items such as my first pair of tights, a snazy sweater type thing, and a leather purse :D (because generally I carry around something that looks more like a school bag -- not that I'm going to be ditching it anytime soon... I'll just use the leather purse sometimes :P) And I believe that about covers my spendage. THEN we decided to catch a movie as we were at the Chinook Mall, so we saw Robin Hood. I would definitely recommend it if you like the old classic Robin Hood and if you like Russell Crowe. I love both so :D Double bonus *thumbs up*.

Hmm... well yup that's about it sadly. That's what my life has been like...not too exciting I know. *sigh* Oh well, yay to making money.

OH but I guess the TRIP TO CALIFORNIA is coming in LESS THAN A MONTH NOW :D I'm very excited because that's actually all I have to look forward to in my life right meow haha. Deets, you may request? Well, all I'll really say for now as that we're for sure going to Disneyland which I find utterly exciting because I've never been :) AND I LOVE DISNEY...and amusement YAY!

Anyways... that is the end.
Au revoir for meow. :)!

RANDOM FACT ABOUT ME -- Well if you didn't catch this above...I don't like clothing that restricts me (which jeans can do sometimes), hence why I really really love stretchy clothing such as lululemon. Also I really don't like skirts because they refrain me from sitting however I want :l

Another quick tidbit - I've gotten in a pretty interesting routine...I go to bed at 2 or later and then wake up at about noon. Man I have a sad life x) But I love life nonetheless!


  1. I'm actually really excited for you to be going to Disneyland. If you see Alice and the Hatter, could you get a picture with them for me? :D

  2. If I see them...I can probably manage that for ya haha
